Specialty therapies, dosage forms and delivery methods to maximize medication effectiveness

A specialty pharmacy is a unique partner in the world of healthcare. Alegria specializes not only in all medications typically found at your local pharmacy, but in special therapeutic medications developed to better treat chronic and hard to treat illnesses. Although a patient can be diagnosed with any number of conditions, how they experience that illness may be very different from another person with the same disease. At Alegria, forming a bond with the patient and treating physician is crucial in creating a new level of specialty care. Service, education and advocacy for our clients make Alegria the logical choice for personalized treatment, care and support.

Alegria pharmacy supplies specialty therapeutic medications that effectively treat chronic conditions like hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, transplant therapy, pain management, growth hormone disorders, and infertility. Our experienced pharmacists are committed to helping doctors and other health care providers improve patient care by working with them to provide alternate dosage forms, accessing discontinued medications, suggesting options for difficult to treat patients, helping reduce your administrative burden, and working directly with patients to increase education, assist with compliance, and help advocate acts as your dedicated advocate with insurance companies.

Alegria Specialty Pharmacy is dedicated to dispensing prescription drugs and providing medication therapy management, education, and support services for those with chronic conditions to reduce avoidable medical costs, prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, and to ensure positive health outcomes.

Clinical Expertise

Our dedicated pharmacists are committed to supplying top quality medications and premium services for our providers and their patients. With over 20 years of expertise and experience, it is no wonder that practitioners all over the country trust our quality medications and services. Let our clinical experts assist with product selection and patient consultations. Make our pharmacists part of your team to improve patient care and outcome.

Provider Partnerships

We’re committed to helping providers focus their attention on the health of their patients. Our professional staff is trained to answer questions, research therapies and provide clinical recommendations to many different types of practitioners.

  • Changing dosage forms
  • Accessing discontinued medications
  • Options for difficult to treat patients
  • Reducing your administrative burden
  • Working directly with patients to increase education and assist with compliance

Patient Navigator™

Managing your healthcare can be a full time job. Besides providing you with specialty pharmaceutical therapies, Alegria acts as your dedicated advocate with your health insurance company. Our team also works tirelessly to secure competitive pricing and financial assistance on many medications. We make sure our patients are following the often complicated instructions that govern the use of their medicines, help manage any side-effects they might encounter, and promote regular contact between patients and their health care providers.